Dokumentasi Tim Ugrasena setelah menerima penghargaan Model Satellite Competition 2022

Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team (GMAT) melalui Tim Ugrasena berhasil mengharumkan nama Indonesia dan meraih gelar juara III dalam Model Satellite Competition Teknofest 2022.

Kompetisi ini merupakan kompetisi tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Turkey Technology Team Foundation yang bekerja sama dengan Turksat dan Kementrian Transportasi dan Infrastuktur Turki. Kompetisi ini merupakan kompetisi design-build-launch dari model satelit yang merepresentasikan payload yang dapat mendarat di atmosfer planet, mengumpulkan data dari sensor, menampilkan data yang dikumpulkan pada antarmuka Ground Control System, merekam gambar, dan melakukan pertukaran data. read more

United States Annual Student CanSat Competition 2022 Press Release, Narantaka GMAT

Narantaka GMAT di Kentland Farms, Virginia Tech
Dokumentasi Della, Ari, Lutfi, Mukhsin, Jovian, Fiorella, dan Hafidh saat setelah peluncuran CanSat di Kentland Farms, Virginia Tech

Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team (GMAT) mewakili Indonesia kembali berkompetisi dalam ajang United States Annual Student CanSat Competition 2022 pada 9-12 Juni 2022 dan berhasil meraih peringkat 6 dunia dan peringkat 3 tim dari benua Asia.

Kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh American Astronautical Society (AAS) tersebut, merupakan kompetisi yang rutin diadakan dengan misi berbeda setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2022 ini, CanSat Competition memiliki misi Tethered Payload.  Dalam misi ini setiap tim dituntut untuk merancang desain kontainer yang terhubung dengan payload menggunakan tali sepanjang 10 meter dengan memuat kamera di dalamnya untuk merekam menggunakan orientasi arah selatan dan menunjuk 45 derajat dari titik nadir. read more

Aerotalk#2 : Alumni Testimonials

Randi Ritvaldi, a former hardware programmer of Gathotkaca (the payload team), shared his work experience with Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team. After a year of teamwork, he became a team leader at GMAT in 2014-2015. Initially, Randi joined the GMAT to fill his spare time, apply his knowledge in real life, and be inspired by the previous year’s GMAT accomplishments. The following year, he was even more motivated to bring the GMAT to the top.

He told about the fellowship in the team, after he came home from college, he often stayed in the workshop and almost every day gathered to prepare for the competition, college assignments were also done together. That’s the secret to compact GMAT. read more

United States Annual Student CanSat Competition 2021 Press Release

Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team kembali berkompetisi dalam ajang United States Annual Student CanSat Competition 2021 dan berhasil meraih peringkat 10 dunia dan peringkat 6 tim dari benua Asia. Kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh American Astronautical Society (AAS) tersebut, merupakan kompetisi yang rutin diadakan dengan misi berbeda setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2021 ini, CanSat Competition memiliki misi Autorotating Maple Seed Science, di mana setiap tim yang ikut berpartisipasi harus mampu menciptakan wahana muatan roket yang dapat mengirimkan data atmosfer dan separasi pada ketinggian tertentu. read more

Aerotalk#1 : Alumni Testimonials

Bagas Azhar, a former Mechanic of Maheswara (the balloon team), shared his experience working in Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team. In the beginning, he wanted to join the rocket team as a mechanic. But after joining GMAT, he realized that he didn’t really want to be a part of the rocket team. Instead, he was glad to be a part of the balloon team which allowed him to experience something different.

Bagas decided to join GMAT because he wanted to have organizational experience. He believed joining other competition teams in University would take too much of his time which in his opinion wasn’t really worth it compared to what would be obtained by joining it. Because basically, he was mainly looking for organizational experience. read more

Aeropedia#3: The Layers of The Earth’s Atmosphere


The Atmosphere of Earth is divided into several different layers. The easiest way to think about the atmosphere above our planet is to imagine an invisible shield that protects our planet from all the bad stuff that floats around in the universe. Each layer has its own properties, depending on how far you are from the surface of the planet.

          1. Troposphere

This is the first and the lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. All life on this planet is affected by the changes that happen in this layer, as all the weather changes take place in the troposphere. It starts from the ground (or sea level) of our planet and expands up to 10 km up in the sky. read more

Aeropedia#2: Rocket Parts and System

source: papertyper

A rocket (from Italian: “rocchetto”) is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft, or other vehicles that obtains thrust from a rocket engine. There are many parts that make up a rocket. For design and analysis, engineers group parts which have the same function into systems. There are four major systems in a full-scale rocket; the structural system, the payload system, the guidance system, and the propulsion system.

The payload system of a rocket depends on the rocket’s mission. The earliest payloads on rockets were fireworks for celebrating holidays. Following World War II, many countries developed guided ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads for payloads. The same rockets were modified to launch satellites with a wide range of missions; communications, weather monitoring, spying, planetary exploration, and observatories, like the Hubble Space Telescope. Special rockets were developed to launch people into earth orbit and onto the surface of the Moon. read more

Aeropedia#1: Indonesia’s Satellites that Ever Launched


Indonesia needs satellites because it consists of several islands and it has diverse geographical contours, where it will be very difficult for a terrestrial communication system to cover the entire territory. Satellites can overcome things that can become obstacles to terrestrial telecommunication systems whether it is time, distance or content complexity. With satellites, remote areas can easily have the same communication system as those in cities and can connect with other areas more quickly.
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United States Student CanSat Competition 2020 Press Release

Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team berhasil meraih peringkat dua dunia pada United States Annual Student CanSat Competition 2020. Kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh American Astronautical Society (AAS) tersebut, merupakan kompetisi yang rutin diadakan dengan misi berbeda setiap tahunya. CanSat Competition 2020 memiliki misi Delta Wing Glaider, dimana setiap tim yang ikut berpartisipasi harus mampu untuk menciptakan wahana muatan roket yang dapat mengirimkan data atmosfer dan separasi pada ketinggian tertentu. read more

Hasil PDR Cansat Competition 2020

PDR Press Release

Pada hari Jumat, 21 Februari 2020 telah dilakukan Seleksi PDR oleh American Astronautical Society (AAS) secara online sebagai bagian dari CanSat Competition. CanSat Competition sendiri merupakan kompetisi internasional bergengsi dalam bidang aerospace. Kompetisi ini memiliki misi yang berbeda pada tiap tahunnya. Misi untuk tahun 2020 ini adalah Delta Wing Glider yang akan gliding dengan pola lingkaran ketika payload dilepaskan dari satelit kaleng. Beberapa tahap seleksi harus dilalui oleh para tim pendaftar dan akan diambil 40 tim yang lolos untuk mengikuti peluncuran final. read more